LPC2148 Pro Development Board is a powerful development platform based on LPC2148 ARM7TDMI microcontroller with 512K on-chip memory. This board is powered by USB port and does not need external power supply. It is ideal for developing embedded applications involving high speed wireless communication (Zigbee / Bluetooth / WiFi), USB based data logging, real time data monitoring and control, interactive control panels etc. The on-chip USB controller provides direct high speed interface to a PC/laptop with speeds up to 12Mb/s. The UART boot loader eliminates need of an additional programmer and allows you to program using serial port. The on board peripherals include SD/MMC card interface, USB2.0 interface, 4Kbit I2C EEPROM, Xbee / Bluetooth / WiFi wireless module interface, ULN2003 500mA current sinking driver, L293D DC motor controller, 16X2 character LCD and many more.