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Integrated circuit


Isolated Converters

Isolated Converters

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“We would like to highly recommend Rajiv Electronics for your security, fire and audio visual needs.”

Mr. Gaurav Jagade


“I am very happy with the products, service and support from Rajiv Electronics!”

Mr. Pawan Chavan

Our Founders

Rajiv Electronics Company, our pride and passion, is a distinguished industry leader that we’ve nurtured with dedication and commitment. Our company specializes in crafting top-tier electronic components, representing the pinnacle of innovation and quality in the industry.

Mrs. Leena Vidwans, Rajiv electronics

Rajiv Electronics Company consistently drive forward technological advancements, offering dependable solutions to cater to a wide spectrum of technical requirements, with an unwavering dedication to our customers and a relentless pursuit of excellence.

Mr. Rajiv Vidwans, Rajiv electronics

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