Rajiv Electronics


Rajiv Electronics


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  • The Arduino Ethernet Shield allows an Arduino board to connect to the internet. It is based on the Wiznet W5100 ethernet chip (datasheet). The Wiznet W5100 provides a network (IP) stack capable of both TCP and UDP. It supports up to four simultaneous socket connections. Use the Ethernet library to write sketches which connect to the internet using the shield. The ethernet shield connects to an Arduino board using long wire-wrap headers which extend through the shield. This keeps the pin layout intact and allows another shield to be stacked on top. The latest revision of the shield adds a micro-SD card slot, which can be used to store files for serving over the network. It is compatible with the Arduino Duemilanove and Mega
    • Can detect flame or wavelength of light source within 760nm~1100nm.
    • Lighter flame detect distance 80cm.
    • Greater the flame, farther the test distance.
    • Detect angle: 60 degree, very sensitive with flame spectrum.
    • The sensitivity is adjustable.
  • This Line Tracker sensor consists of 3 IR transmitter and IR receiver pairs. This tracker sensor is typically used for robots in line following task. It can be used for either dark or bright line following. The tracker sensor have 3 digital outputs to user indicating the existence of the line. Every sensor is provided with its own LEDs as indication of line detection.
  • Here is a motor speed sensor module, the major goal is to check the rate of an electric motor. The module can be used in association with a microcontroller for motor speed detection, pulse count, position limit, etc. In principle, any rate meter simply measures the rate at which some event occurs. Usually this is done by counting the events for a given period of time (integration interval) and then simply dividing the number of events by the time to get the rate.
  • USB to UART Converter is a very useful tool for Embedded Systems. If you haven’t one, please try to buy it. It will definitely boost development speed of projects which uses UART modules like interfacing GSM, GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi et. By using it we can easily study these modules by sending data directly from your PC and analyzing the received data in your computer display without programming a microcontroller. Here we will use PL2303, one of the most popular USB to UART Converter manufactured by Prolific Technology Inc.
  • GY-31 TCS3200 Color Sensor Module

    SKU: E-270 700.00 +GST
    TCS3200 Color Sensor is a complete color detector, including a TAOS TCS3200 RGB sensor chip and 4 white LEDs. The TCS3200 can detect and measure a nearly limitless range of visible colors. Applications include test strip reading, sorting by color, ambient light sensing and calibration, and color matching, to name just a few.
  • Description:
    • The dimensions: 32mm x 14mm approx
    • The working voltage: 3.3V-5V DC
    • On-board LM393 voltage comparator chip and vibration sensing (generally SW-18010P) probe.
    • Sensitivity adjustable (fine tune) using potentiometer.
    • Can be used to detect vibration and other occasions.
    • On-board output signal indication LED, effective output signal is high level, and the same time the indicator LED turns on.
    • Output signal can be directly connected to the microcontroller I
  • hese displays are small, only about 1" diameter, but very readable due to the high contrast of an OLED display. This display is made of 128x64 individual white OLED pixels, each one is turned on or off by the controller chip. Because the display makes its own light, no backlight is required. This reduces the power required to run the OLED and is why the display has such high contrast; we really like this miniature display for its crispness!
  • Product Description: The MPU6050 devices combine a 3-axis gyroscope and a 3-axis accelerometer on the same silicon together with an onboard Digital Motion Processor (DMP) capable of processing complex 9-axis MotionFusion algorithms. The parts’ integrated 9-axis MotionFusion algorithms access external magnetometers or other sensors through an auxiliary master I2C bus, allowing the devices to gather a full set of sensor data without intervention from the system processor. The devices are offered in the same 4x4x0.9 mm QFN footprint and pinout as the current MPU-3000? family of integrated 3-axis gyroscopes, providing a simple upgrade path and making it easy to fit on space constrained boards. The InvenSense Motion Apps Platform that comes with the MPU-6050 abstracts motion-based complexities, offloads sensor management from the operating system and provides a structured set of APIs for application development. For precision tracking of both fast and slow motions, the parts feature a user-programmable gyro full-scale range of ±250, ±500, ±1000, and ±2000°/sec (dps) and a user-programmable accelerometer full-scale range of ±2g, ±4g, ±8g, and ±16g.
  • 8 IR Line Tracking Module

    SKU: A-277 350.00 +GST
    This is an infrared based sensor array which can be used in advanced line following and grid navigation robots. The array has 8 individual sensors placed next to each other. Each sensor has its own digital output and can sense the presence of a line and indicate it with a 5V logic output. On reading the the digital state of the eight sensors, the user can not only detect the line but also get to know how far the center of the robot is from the line. When all sensors sense the line, the robot is on an intersection. Features
    • Uses 8 sensors for best resolution.
    • Great useful in building fast line following and grid navigating robots.
    • Input Voltage: 5V DC.
    • Comes with easy to use digital outputs that can be connected directly to microcontrollers.
    • The array has mounting holes of 3mm diameter for easy mounting.


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