Rajiv Electronics


Rajiv Electronics


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  • The USB to RS485 module is a cost-effective way to convert RS485 industrial buses to a USB interface. When connected to a PC USB port the USB to RS485 module is automatically detected and is installed as a native COM port which is compatible with any existing serial communication application. Multiple modules can be installed when using USB hubs thus allowing a hassle-free configuration of a multi serial system. Features
    • Reliable RS485 link
    • Automatic Switching between Transmit/Receive mode of RS485.
    • Twisted pair cable can work upto 1.2 Km distance.
    • Ground Output for wire shielding.
    • USB Powered
    • USB Port Plugabble type
    • Designed for industrial environment
    • Any baud rate from 1200 bps to 115 kbps
    • Current: 100mA current at 5V DC taken from PC’s USB Port
    • Modes: RS-485 Half Duplex (2-wire)
    • Built in terminal resistor of 120R Ohm
    • Length of twisted pair cable maximum can be 1.2 Km (Kilometer) Maximum
    • Cable type for optimal range: Two core, Twisted Pair Shielded type, D and D- should be twisted with each other to get optimal range
  • '- Board TP4056 lithium charge management chip - Mini USB head can link directly to the computer USB port charging - The charging board can also power supply from (IN and IN-) pin - Setting aside the the TEMP pin interface can be used as lithium battery temperature detection - Input voltage: 4V~8V - Maximum output charging current: 1000mA - D1 indicator lights on when in charging, D2 lights on when charging completed - English Manual/Spec: Yes - Great for DIY project
  • Pulse sensor is used to test heart rate sensors. Students, artists, athletes, creators, games or mobile terminal developers can develop heart-related and interactive works. Sensor can be worn on the finger or earlobe, It also has an open-source app program, you can put your real-time heart rate displayed by the graph. In essence, a heart rate sensor integrated optical amplifier and noise elimination circuit.
  • The Keyes-039 or KY039 Heart rate monitor consists of two things, an Infrared LED, and an Infrared Phototransistor.  The IR LED should come on whenever the sensor has power and stay on (because it is infrared, you won’t be able to see that it is on, but if you look through your cell phone camera you will).  The IR photo transistor causes the voltage to change on a “sensor” wire, and this should be connected to one of the Arduino’s analog pins.
  • Introduction: These 3-wire digital temperature sensors are fairly precise (±0.5°C over much of the range) and can give up to 12 bits of precision from the onboard digital-to-analog converter. They work great with any microcontroller using a single digital pin, and you can even connect multiple ones to the same pin, each one has a unique 64-bit ID burned in at the factory to differentiate them. Usable with 3.0-5.0V systems. Technical Details: Technical specs: Usable temperature range: -5° to 90°C (-23°F to 194°F) 9 to 12 bit selectable resolution Uses 1-Wire interface- requires only one digital pin for communication Unique 64 bit ID burned into chip Multiple sensors can share one pin ±0.5°C Accuracy from -10°C to 85°C Temperature-limit alarm system Query time is less than 750ms Usable with 3.0V to 5.5V power/data
  • The Leonardo is Arduino’s first development board to use one microcontroller with built-in USB. Using the ATmega32U4 as its sole microcontroller allows it to be cheaper and simpler. Also, because the 32U4 is handling the USB directly, code libraries are available which allow the board to emulate a computer keyboard, mouse, and more using the USB-HID protocol! It has 20 digital input/output pins (of which 7 can be used as PWM outputs and 12 as analog inputs), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a micro USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started.
  • Arduino Nano is a surface mount breadboard embedded version with integrated USB. It is a smallest, complete, and breadboard friendly. It has everything that Diecimila/Duemilanove has (electrically) with more analog input pins and onboard 5V AREF jumper. Physically, it is missing power jack. The Nano is automatically sense and switch to the higher potential source of power, there is no need for the power select jumper. Nano’s got the breadboard-ability of the Boarduino and the Mini USB with smaller footprint than either, so users have more breadboard space. It’s got a pin layout that works well with the Mini or the Basic Stamp (TX, RX, ATN, GND on one top, power and ground on the other). This new version 3.0 comes with ATMEGA328 which offer more programming and data memory space. It is two layers. That make it easier to hack and more affordable.
  • 1. 10 DOF Module (3 axis gyroscope 3 accelerometer 3 axis magnetic field air pressure) 2. Technology:Immersion Gold PCB 3. Chip: MPU6050 HMC5883L MS5611 4.Power Supply :3-5v 5.Communication: IIC communication protocol (fully compatible with the 3-5v System, circuit LLC is contained ) 6.Size: 2.2cm * 1.7cm
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