PICKIT3.5 USB PIC Programmer/Debugger E-146-B USB (Full speed 12 Mbits/s interface to host PC) Real-time execution MPLAB IDE compatible (free download from Microchip) Built-in over-voltage/short circuit monitor Firmware upgradeable from PC/web download Totally enclosed Diagnostic LEDs (power, busy, error) Read/write program and data memory of the microcontroller Erase of program memory space with verification Freeze-peripherals at breakpoint Program up to 512K byte flash with the Programmer-to-Go ICSP cable included
USB to UART Converter is a very useful tool for Embedded Systems. If you haven’t one, please try to buy it. It will definitely boost development speed of projects which uses UART modules like interfacing GSM, GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi et. By using it we can easily study these modules by sending data directly from your PC and analyzing the received data in your computer display without programming a microcontroller. Here we will use PL2303, one of the most popular USB to UART Converter manufactured by Prolific Technology Inc.
PM2.5 GP2Y1010AU0F Dust Smoke Particle Sensor E-242 Power supply voltage: DC5 ± 2V Sensitivity: 0.5V / (0.1mg / m3) The minimum detection level of particles: 0.8 m Clean air voltage: 0.9V typ. Low consumption current (Icc: MAX. 20 mA) The presence of dust can be detected by the photometry of only one pulse Enable to distinguish smoke from house dust
The Pro Micro is similar to the Pro Mini except with an ATmega32U4 on board. The USB transceiver inside the 32U4 allows us to add USB connectivity on-board and do away with bulky external USB interface. This tiny little board does all of the neat-o Arduino tricks that you’re familiar with: 4 channels of 10-bit ADC, 5 PWM pins, 12 DIOs as well as hardware serial connections Rx and Tx. Running at 16MHz , this board will remind you a lot of your other favorite Arduino-compatible boards but this little guy can go just about anywhere. There is a voltage regulator on board so it can accept voltage up to 12VDC.
This is an IC Test Clip for 8-pin small outline integrated circuits (SOIC). This test clip assures a secure connection to all chip leads on an 8-pin SMD SOIC and provides hands-free testing. On this test clip you will find two sets of gold plated contacts, upper contacts to attach wiring and lower contacts for an 8-pin IC. Simply place your choice of IC in the lower contacts and attach female terminated jumper wires to the 0.1" spaced upper contacts and you are ready to start testing!